Hey, I'm Tanya!
A joy filled light being here to help you help yourself through the awakening process
Why Im Doing This
I’m here to help you with high vibrational energetic shifts as you anchor into the new earth consciousness.
One of the best ways to access this is by connecting to the vibrations of others already working in those fields. And so the interviews as video and the podcasts as audio are actually shifting your perspective and frequency.
This show is for you as a spiritual seeker, lightworker, channeler, healer, starseed, wayshower, creator, artist, light being and everything in between.
Why the Conversations?
These chats are all about giving you inspiration and support to step into new ways of working as you help others and our lovely planet.
Satisfy your need for joyful, soul deep conversation with other Awakened Women who ‘get you’.
Listen to conversations that support your spiritual awakening journey. They will make you laugh, go deep, get inspired and remember you’re not alone.
“ I bet when the stars look down at earth, they see you sparkling just as bright.”
Tanya Kucey