Channeling the Planets with Kate Shantz. Women Working With Light Podcast Episode 4

Channeling the Planets with Kate Shantz

In this episode, I speak with Kate Shantz who practices a very unique form of channeling – with the planets in our solar system!

What’s it like to talk to the planets? Galactic Channeler and spiritual medium Kate Shantz and I speak about her unique form of channeling where she connects with the personalities of the planets of our solar system and beyond. We discuss what it’s like to be a galactic channel, how it works, the personalities of the planets, astrology and a bit about waves of energy and Awakening happening referred to by some as Christ Consciousness.


For more information about Kate, her resources and services you can find her at

From Kate:

We are here on Earth during an exciting, evolutionary time in humanity’s history. Listening to, and loving, ourselves first is what will help each of us shine bright and find peace.


I am here to serve humanity through my connection to the stars, the planets, and my Galactic guides. By connecting with these energies, I bring messages through to you that provide clarity and understanding about any area of your life.

Find her on Instagram: @kate.shantz


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