In this episode, I speak with Wendy Wright of Light Always Wins. We jump into the deep end on this one! So many topics and lots of giggles – which I split in to 3 seperate videos. Scroll down to watch.
We explore:
- Wendy’s LAW (Light Always Wins) Mystery School
- Working intuitively.Being a magnet to your clients
- Toxic positivity, Duality, Dark Night of the Soul
- Wendy’s Awakening Experience
- Evolution of consciousness
- Growth through Adversity
- How to Get on your Life Path!
- 48 min Source experiencing itself
- Collapse and Origins of Civilizations
- Manifesting as a collective consciousness
- Sabian Symbols
- Astrology
- and more!
Scroll down for her Bio, more information about Wendy, her LAW Mystery School, Podcast and Socials
Enjoy our shorter chat in the video below:
Wendy Wright
Wendy Wright is a farmer, mystic, podcast host, and spiritual teacher. After experiencing the tragic loss of her mother, she embarked on a journey that led her back home to her soul. On her podcast, Light Always Wins, she talks to people about their unique awakening journeys and dives into all things spiritual.
She recently started a collaborative mystery school where she teaches esoteric principles to help people find their inner knowing, divine connection, and gain understanding of the fabric of our existence. It is a space for like minded souls to connect, explore, and relate.
She also offers Sabian Symbol Readings, which are another way to lay out the astrological blueprint of your soul.
Join the Light Always Wins Mystery School at
Check out her shop for Sabian Symbol Readings and Merch at
Find her podcast on apple, spotify, and other podcast platforms.
Instagram @light.alwayswins